Thursday, June 26, 2008

Smells Like Bread

After taking a vote from you, the readers, Banana Nut Bread appears to be the favorite choice for a new scent. Sugar Cookie was also a popular choice. How fabulous does your kitchen smell when you're baking banana nut bread? Mmmmm! I could go for a slice right now.

I will be ordering the Banana Nut Bread scent (probably this weekend) and possibly the Sugar Cookie as well. So, I hope to have the new scent available soon for purchase and will be sure to post once I do.

Don't forget that the contest for a free candle ends tomorrow. I will be picking a winner tomorrow afternoon/evening!! If you haven't entered yet, head on over to my main blog, rarereflection, for all the contest details and entry information.

1 comment:


I can only imagine how amazing a banana nut bread candle would smell!!!!