Monday, June 30, 2008

Craft Therapy Contest!

Recently, I have discovered a great new blog, Craft Therapy. The Craft Junkie, as she refers to herself, makes some fabulous pieces of jewelry.

In honor of her upcoming birthday, she is hosting a contest. Who doesn't love a contest? I spent so much time pimping mine last month that I figured I'd pimp someone else for a change. :) It's very simple to enter - commenting on her posts will earn you an entry, blogging about the contest on your own site will earn you an added entry as will subscribing to her blog feed. The contest will be running until July 24th and is open to all US and Canadian residents.

What do you win? She will create you a custom-made bracelet. How great would that be? You can get all the contest details on her contest page. Be sure to check out her Etsy shop while you're there!


Barb Smith said...

Thank you so much!!!

And I'm glad I found you, too!

Nessa said...

LMFAO, You, You PIMP you!!! Thanks for the heads up. I just started dropping today and hadn't gotten to her blog yet. I wanna be a weiner on hers too. Oh and if you haven't sent my prize hang onto it please. Gonna order another one from you not this wednesday but the next and maybe it'll save you on shipping. If that's okay with you that is.

Laura Brown said...

I know very little about candle making but your blog is very lovely. The background and header are really romantic and gorgeous. I enjoyed seeing them. :)